06.07.21 / Aktuell: Austrian Open 2021 – 6 Österreicher im Hauptbewerb
Dear All,
for the 17th time in a row this PSA world ranking tournament will take place in Salzburg. This year an incredible number of 6 Austrian players will be featured in the main draw. Some of them moved into the draw at last second after a few withdrawals of players suffering from Corona.
Despite all challenges around the Covid-19 pandemic, this mega 2-week event – the Austrian Squash Challenge – can take place again on the all-glasscourt in the beautiful EUROPARK shopping mall and will be hosted in the 4-Start arte Hotel Salzburg.
Besides the Austrian League final there are many visitor’s programmes offered, such as the Kids & School Days where about 550 kids enjoyed a free training session with Austrian Champion Aqeel Rehman.
A VIP tournament with olympic and world champions such will take place on the final day of the event.
At the Austrian Open Mihaly Androzcky, Mathias Ebenberger, Georg Stoisser, Lukas Windischberger, Jakob Dirnberger and Aqeel Rehman will represent the Austrian flag. Most of them will face higher seedes player, only Aqeel Rehman will be the favourite in the opening round as the Salzburg-Boy is number 2 of the tournament.
Matches start at 12:45, entry is free. Additionally there is a live scoring and live streaming available on Facebook.
These are the match times for wednesday 7th July:
12:45: Mihaly Androzcky (AUT) – 3*Yannik Omlor (GER, WRL 107)
13:30: 4*Roshan Bharos (NED, WRL 108) – Nilo Vidal (ESP, WRL 251)
14:30: 6*Yannick Wilhelmi (SUI, WRL 127) – Miguel Mathis (SUI, WRL 227)
15:30: Georg Stoisser (AUT, WRL 443) – 5*Robin Gadola (SUI, WRL 124)
16:30: Lukas Windischberger (AUT, WRL 294)- 8*Marek Panacek (CZE ,WRL 194)
17:30: Jakob Dirnberger (AUT, WRL 205) – 7*Sergio Garcia Pollan (ESP, WRL 171)
18:30: 2*Aqeel Rehman (AUT, WRL 87) – Tobias Weggen (GER, WRL 267)
19:15: Mathias Ebenberger (AUT, WRL 543) – 1*Juan Camilo Vargas (COL, WRL 76)
So come to watch and support the players!
You can find more information on our website: https://squash-im-europark.at
Kind Regards
Details hier: https://squash-im-europark.at